Appetizer, One Meal, Side Dish
Comments 18

Homemade Burger Buns

It has been very long time since me and my family eat out in fast food restaurant. I didn’t even remember when was the last time, but sometime like 2 or 3 months before my daughter was  born. The are some reasons, it’s cheaper to eat at home, healthier, cleaner and you know exactly what you put in your food for the whole family.

And ever since my daughter born, husband kept getting me more and more kitchen friends (well, I asked for it first though :P). So my kitchen friends definitely make everything easier for me. I able to make more homemade stuffs. And I like it.

Most of the time now, I made my own burger buns for friday evening meal. We always have homemade fastfood every friday and saturday. Those 2 days are my days off from cooking 😛 But I still make everything by myself. Do lots of them and freeze it. When you need easy fast food, just put them in the oven / microwave. Easy peasy.

I took the recipe here. And it said that it’ll make 8 buns. In my case, I got 18 tiny buns. They’re cute and great size for me.


  • 3/4 cup (177 ml) warm water
  • 2 tbsp (28g) butter
  • 1 egg
  • 3 1/2 cup (448g) all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup (50g) caster sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp yeast
  • 1 egg for egg wash


How to:

  1. If you’re using standing mixer, just put all the ingredients in the bowl and knead for about 5 to 7 minutes or until the surface is smooth. If the dough is too wet, add a little bit more flour. If its too hard, add a bit more warm water. Let it rest for at least 30 minutes or until its doubled in size.
  2. If you’re kneading by hands, place all dry ingredients on your kitchen table. Make a hole in the middle and place egg and butter. Mix everything well.
  3. Add water little by little, and knead for about 5 to 10 minutes or until the dough doesn’t stick to your hands or the table surface anymore. Warp with a plastic wrap and let rest for at least 30 minutes.
  4. After it has doubled in size, divide the dough depending how many and how big you want your buns are.
  5. Shape each dough into ball form. Place them on your baking tray and let it rise once again for at least 30 minutes.
  6. Brush the top of the buns with egg wash and sprinkle some sesame or poppy seed on top. Bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes (depending how big is your bun).
  7. After baked and cooled down, you can store them in the freezer.

I served this little buns with Mozzarella Stuffed Meatballs in Tomato Sauce, I took the recipe from Laura Vitale. And sorry that I didn’t have very many pictures this time. We were too hungry and in a rush and husband wasn’t in the mood to take picture 😛


    • Hahaha.. klo lagi mood masak segala macem dibikin, seharian didapur aja 😀
      Terus juga disini harus pinter2 pilih makan, Chit. Klo ga suka ada yang pake bahan2 yang pake kode2 itu loh, yang bikin ga halal 😦

      • Bener-bener, sama aja ternyata ma di Aussie bahan makanannya di kasih sistem kode. Aku juga pernah nggak ngeh sama kode-kode itu, pas tau kalo salah beli akhirnya makanannya malah berakhir di tempat saimpiah aiiihh… 😦
        Tapi sukur yah ada kode-kode itu, jadi kita lebih aware sama apa yang kita makan. 🙂

      • Iya, dulu baru2 pertama dateng kesini ga tau juga. Terus ada temen yang kasih tau. mulai dari situ, tiap beli makanan pasti diliat ingredientsnya dulu. dan makin rajin bikin homemade ini itu.. secara kan kita jadi tau apa yang kita makan *tsaaaaah* 😀

  1. Ha! I know what you mean! When my husband is hungry I get so stressed for the photos! But the buns look picture perfect! Very useful recipe!

    • Hahaha.. yes.. husband hungry still ok but when my daughter gets hungry, she’ll steal the food from the plate I want to take picture of. Then I’ll be like.. ok enough picture, time for dinner 😀

      • maryamsblog says

        :)…Thanks for sharing this recipe as I was looking over the internet for it myself, then you solved my problem.

  2. maryamsblog says

    From now on,….Buns are ‘Easy Peasy Lemon Squezy’. I’m gonna make them InshaAllah

  3. Pingback: Burger Buns | Ridha's Kitchen

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