1. Rid, punya resep spaghetti yg sausnya gak creamy, tapi bukan bolognaise? Aku lactose intolerant jd gak bisa yg creamy2 😦

    • mrs ds kitchen says

      Ada teh. Butuh segera atau bisa sabar menanti? Soalnya ga ada dimenuku minggu ini. Klo mau aku masukin dimenu buat minggu depan.
      Btw, klo disini ada produk2 yang lactose n gluten free juga πŸ™‚

  2. Hi. πŸ™‚ Thank you for visiting my blog and the nice comment! You have some amazing photos and recipies on your blog – awesome job! πŸ™‚ Happy Holidays!

  3. Mbak Ridha, aku intip kesini karena liat postingannya di UrbanMama Forum hehehehehe…. Mba Ridha ayooo cerita-cerita tentang swedia dong di blog mamasejagat.wordpress.com … blog iseng-iseng aja sih mba hehehehe, let me know kalo berminat ya mba, blom punya kontributor dari swedia πŸ˜›

  4. Malou Prestado says

    Great site you have here, Mrs. D. I’ll be a regular visitor to get inspiration for what to cook for my family. I love Indonesian food and it is always great to be able to make them at home.

    • Mrs. D says

      You’re very welcome to come back anytime πŸ™‚
      I’m guessing that it should be easy for you to get Indonesian food over there, eh? πŸ˜€

  5. ku coba comment di postingan mu tapi nggak bisa masuk don’t know why πŸ™‚ by the way salam kenal ya,,keep masak-masak πŸ™‚

    • Mrs. D says

      bisa kok, cuman kudu di approve sama diriku dulu :p
      aku msh terkesima sama indomie salad n goreng. kreatif bgt dah πŸ˜€

  6. Hallo… waaah resepnya enak2 nih kayaknya… Akhirnya ketemu juga blogger indo di Swedia.. ^^ Btw, aku juga ngintip blog suaminya.. huaaaah.. bagus2 banget fotonya.. Semoga suatu hari kita bisa ketemuan ya..

    Salam kenal lagi

    • Mrs. D says

      Makasiiiiiiih.. cuman buat bank resep keluarga aja kok. Ternyata kita tinggalnya lumayan jauh ya..
      Salam kenal lagi juga.. panggil Ridha aja ya πŸ™‚

  7. halo ridha, salam kenal. blognya keren banget! kapan2 boleh nyontek resepnya ya. πŸ™‚
    btw, ridha asalnya dari kalsel ya? (abis baca komen diatas ada bahasa banjarnya.. hehe) πŸ˜€

    • Mrs. D says

      salam kenal juga Nova, silahkan… πŸ™‚
      bukan dari kalsel tapi balikpapan (kaltim) tapi nyokap asal banjar emang.. hehehe.. πŸ˜€

    • Mrs. D says

      Thanks so much Sanja and Dragana. I feel honoured πŸ™‚
      And you know you can call me Ridha instead πŸ™‚

  8. Halo Ridha,
    Salam kenal, aku emy.
    Main-main ke sini karena lihat komen-komen kamu di blog Bebe.
    Karena sekarang aku lagi pengin belajar masak, jadinya seneng liat resep2.
    Walaupun baru sebatas liat-liat doang, belum pede bikin. Ahahhaaha.
    Baru nyoba masakan simple2 aja.

    • Mrs. D says

      Halo Emy,
      salam kenal juga. hihihi… dasar tukang komen nih emang diriku πŸ˜€
      Ayo masak2.. rata2 sih klo menurut aku yah, resep yang aku tulis pada simple2 banget kok. malah kadang yang ribet dibikin simple ajah *pemalas* hahaha…
      sering2 mampir ya πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

  9. Haaaluuuuuu……

    speechless ahh liat blognya… makanan nya juga endang gulindang…
    salam sayang dari tetangga….WP

    • Mrs. D says

      Halo Mba (ato Ibu yah?)
      Makasih udah mampir.. aku juga seneng mampir, liat resep2nya mantep deh πŸ™‚

      salam sayang balik ^^

  10. lovely blog…you must be putting in a lot of hard work into it…it shows. It looks fab! following it now

    • hai hai.. yang punya rumah lagi nyantai nonton film sambil ngemil *berasa kurus aja bodynya* πŸ˜€

  11. Hai mbak Ridha, salam kenal ya πŸ˜€
    sering mampir ke blognya mbak Bebe, terus nyangkut disini deh..hehehe..
    aku izin blogroll yaa..buat contekan resep kalo lagi mau masak, tapi kayaknya sementara dilirik-lirik dulu..mudah2an rasa malasnya cepat pergi jadi beneran nyobain resep2nya mbak Ridha *emang dasar anak pemalas sih ini* :p

    • Salam kenal juga Fitri (atau Ichy?) hehehe πŸ˜€
      Silahkan sekali.. kebanyakan resep sederhana aja kok, soalnya yang disini kan tukang masak pemalas juga, jadi masak pasti seadanya aja.. hihihi.. ^.^

      • bisa dipanggil dua2nya kok.. bebaaaasss πŸ˜€
        Nanti ku ubek2 blog-mu yaa..sekarang belum khatam membaca isinya πŸ˜€

      • Ichy aja deh ya klo gitu, lebih unyu… hehehe…
        okay okay πŸ™‚

      • kdcorner says

        Welcome. You’re so creative. There are instructions on what to do to accept the award – if you feel like it – on that link. God bless.

  12. Ridha, you’ve got a beautiful blog with stunning pictures and recipes… which camera do you use, if I may ask? πŸ™‚
    Will be back for more great recipes… πŸ™‚

    • Hey, you have a very nice blog yourself. Great pictures too and those look better than mine :p
      Only the basic camera. Nikon d3000 and hubby took all the pictures, I don’t really have any interest in photography πŸ˜€
      You can of course visit my hubby’s blog, I have the link in my blogroll. He took nice macro and portrait photos

      • Ohh! πŸ™‚ Sounds great! Very sweet of him, I think your photos are gorgeous πŸ™‚ I will definitely go over and check his blog out πŸ™‚

      • Have to rely on him if I want to have decent photos for the blog πŸ˜€

  13. Hai Mbak Ridha, salah bener ya aku lagi bulan puasa mampir mampir ke sini huhuhuhu…. Mbak, mau tanya dong, pernah/ada rencana coba buat cupcake dengan rasa kiwi nggak? Entah di cakenya sendiri atau di toppingnya. Aku juga belum kebayang ehehehe…

    • Halo juga πŸ™‚
      Hehehe.. gpp dong, kan cobaan buat nguatin iman.. tsaaaaah..
      Hmm… belum pernah kepikiran sih? Emangnya kenapa? Suka kiwi kah?
      Klo mau ntar dicariin resepnya, tapi beru bisa abis lebaran yah. soalnya puasa gini ntar ga ada yang makan kuenya πŸ˜€

  14. Hi! I’m writing a story for The Huffington Post about Spanish recipes and I’d love to include your churros recipe. Please let me know if you’re interested. Thanks!

    • Hi, Julie
      Thank you for telling me that. Of course you can include my churros recipe as long as you link back to my blog ^^

  15. Your blog is beautiful. Last night I tried to make and document my first Indonesian meal after having gone to Amsterdam. I wish I had seen your blog first!

  16. Asslm. Mb ridha i love the colour of your blog…ang of couse the marvalous pict of your recipes..!! Btw are you ” urang banjar kalsel?? My hubby is too.. Keep sharing your lovely recipes ok

    • Walaikumslm Ummu Naufal πŸ™‚
      Panggil Ridha ada mba. Hehehe.. Nenek dari ibu yang asal kalsel, klo sy sendiri lahir besar di balikpapan. Tapi klo sama keluarga dari ibu masih sering ngobrol pke bahasa banjar. terutama nenek sy yang ga bisa bhs indo.. hehehe..
      Makasih udah mampir ya mba πŸ™‚

    • Hi, thank you for stopping by. Glad that I can help the others πŸ™‚
      You’re welcome back anytime ^^

  17. hai Mbak Ridha, izin follow blog nya, keren untuk belajar masak jika ada waktu, tadi nemu di koment blognya Bebe… semoga resep2nya bisa aku coba deh kapan-kapan…

  18. Hi I am really enjoying your blog and have nominated you for the super sweet blogging awardhttp://inprosciuttoofperfection.wordpress.com/awards/

  19. HI, Ridha. I’ve just come across WordPress Reader that lead me to your blog. I find your blog very nice and you have an amazing photos and recipes, too. I would like to try some of the Indonesian dishes you have here, hoping that the ingredients are easy to find. πŸ˜€ Anyway, happy cooking and happy blogging!

    • Thank you for stopping by. These recipes are just simple foods I cooked for my family. I hope you can try some recipes sometime and tell me about the result. I’d like to know about it.
      You’re very welcome to comeback here anytime πŸ™‚

      • I am following you now so I could get future updates πŸ™‚ I will give you a feedback. πŸ™‚

  20. Tia says

    Hi Ridha, I was searching for indonesian comport foods and your blog came up, which I am glad I found it πŸ™‚ I am too from Indonesia my husband is from California and live here in U.S for almost 11 years. Sometime I or I should say all the time πŸ™‚ need Indonesian comport food and you have a lot of recipe that i was looking for and is easy to follow and the pictures are beautiful. I love your blog..keep up the great work and thank you for sharing.

  21. I am so glad I stumbled on to your blog! You have amazing recipes and beautiful photos. I want to eat everything on your blog. ❀

  22. It is noticeable that there is a great number of tasty recipes on your site and we would like to suggest you to have a look at the Top Food Blog section on our site, the http://www.mytaste.com

    myTaste is a social platform for foodies and blogs/sites owners like you and it helps to reach more people, get more visibility on the web and share/save recipes. Some of the top food blogs receive 20,000 visitors from us on a weekly basis.

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    Kind regards

  23. Dear Mbak Ridha, salam kenal.
    Saya Iffa. Baru saja memperkenalkan diri di Urban Mama lalu mampir di blog ini πŸ™‚
    Senang berkunjung kemari. Semoga sukses dan bahagia selalu untuk mbak Ridha dan keluarga.

    • Salam kenal juga mba Iffa. Wah, saya malah udah lama ga main2 ke urban mama, jadi malu ini…
      Aamiin.. terima kasih udah berkunjung kesini ya mba Iffa πŸ™‚

  24. Hi Ridha,
    I used to live in Stockholm some 15 years ago, there somebody (obviously she’s a Swed) gave me a nice yet very easy to make chocolate cake, and normally they eat it as an afters with ice cream. I lost that recipe long time ago, do you have any knowledge about it, as I presume this dessert is quite common and popular among the local?

    By the way, your food blog ROCK! πŸ™‚

    • Hmm.. Unfortunately everytime I visit my husband’s family, they always made other type of desserts (mostly mousse or pie). But I think I know which one you mean. Too bad I’ve never eaten or tried to make it before, though. I’ll post the recipe when I have time to try it out.
      Thank you for stopping by…
      Salam kenal ^^

  25. Hi Ridha,

    I just found your blog today when I was searching for Halal Okonomiyaki sauce. I saw you’re mentioning a few that you’re using the Bulldog Tonkatsu sauce so I made a little research on the ingredients. I finally found this picture, the English ingredient list for the sauce and it stated that the vinegar used was made from alcohol and it’s not halal to eat. I hope you can fix the info with some of your blog readers. I just wanted to help my fellow Muslims, that’s all.

    • Hi Ashihana, thanks for you info. I never mentioned about it halal (I reread the post several times). But I must have missed the alcohol part when I read the ingredients. Because this is also a recommendation from a muslim friend live in Japan. Anyway, thank you again for your info. I’ll be more careful next time.

  26. Hai mbak
    Hai Mbak Ridha
    Saya Farid dari Ladang Lima – tepung sehat bebas gluten. Seneeeeng bgt lihat websitenya. Clean dan simple tapi bikin laper abiiissss:)

    Oiya mbak sudah pernah denger sebelumnya soal tepung ini? Jadi Tepung Ladang Lima ini terbuat dari singkong, tidak mengandung gluten atau protein perekat seperti tepung yang terbuat dari gandum. Sehat karena tidak mengandung bahan kimia seperti pengawet, pemutih dan perasa buatan. Kami juga punya visi untuk mengedukasi masyarakat untuk menjalani hidup sehat. Sebelumnya udah pernah coba bikin olahan kue atau masakan bebas gluten? Kalo nanti mbak mau coba, bisa lho nanti kami kirim sampel ^^

    Maybe kedepan kita bisa berkolaborasi mbak untuk masakan sehat bebas gluten. Info info yah ke saya.

    Oiya ada emailkah mbak Ridha? Thank you.

    • Halo Farid, maaf lama sekali baru dibales karena sempet absen blogging. Dan sekarang baru mau mulai lagi.
      Belum pernah denger tentang tepung Ladang Lima sebelumnya. Kalo kue2 Indonesia kan ya kebanyakan gluten free, tapi kalau memang resep yang harus pakai tepung gandum belum pernah nyoba di gluten free-kan.
      Email di ribbon11@gmail.com ya πŸ™‚

  27. Hai Mbak Ridha! Salam kenal..
    Lagi blogwalking trus nyasar ke blog ini.. Suka banget mbak foto2nya.. bikin pengen ngikutin resepnya. Semoga makanan Indonesia makin terkenal di kancah dunia lewat resep2 yang ada di blog Mbak Ridha yah πŸ™‚

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