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Easy Cookie Balls

Easy, quick, tasty, no bake, no cook and less than 30 minutes cookie balls. Convincing enough?

cookie balls

Actually I don’t really know what to call this in English. My mum used to make this a lot for Eid celebration. Another treat that can be made by her daughters 😉 We usually call it “bola-bola coklat” means chocolate balls. But I think it’s similar to truffles, just made from biscuits / cookies instead of chocolate. Some people also call it rum balls which also can be made from borwnies, cakes and other sweets. But since I don’t use any rum here, would be a bit funky if I call it no-Rum Balls hehehe.. So I decided just to call it cookie balls.

cookie balls

In Indonesia, these cookie balls usually covered with chocolate rice / sprinkles. But since I ran out of chocolate sprinkles and I don’t like the type of chocolate sprinkles here so much, I used cocoa powder instead.

If you’re a bit confused what’s the difference between chocolate sprinkle here and in Indonesia, I can explain to you a bit. The one in Indonesia made from normal chocolate and shaped like sprinkles. The texture is a bit soft (just like other chocolate bar) and the taste is exactly the same like normal chocolate bar. Chocolate sprinkles here (Sweden), the texture is a bit crunchy and doesn’t taste like chocolate at all. I had to import them straight from Indonesia, and use them wisely for my desserts.

cookie balls

Yes, I mixed my cocoa powder with a little bit of icing sugar, because I think just pure cocoa powder is a little bit too bitter for me. So I made some with icing powder for my self, while my husband prefers the ones with pure cocoa powder instead. But they’re nice either way.

Store in the refrigerator and eat them cold is the best.


    • Hehehe.. iya.
      Tapi agak aneh klo judulnya rum balls, tapi malah ga ada rumnya.. emang gampang banget bikinnya juga 🙂

      • iya rum balls ga pake rum emang aneh.. ehtapi di rumah tetep aja ada yang bilang itu rum balls, idenya kan dari sana.. kita yang modifikasi..

      • Hehehe.. iya sih, tapi tetep berasa agak aneh, makanya dinamain cookie balls aja deh 😉

  1. Your pictures are just wonderful to look at. The clean images makes the subjects sweeter and just nice to gaze at. Happy New Year to you!

  2. Umm saleem says

    Love finding this one!!alhamdulillah its easier to find indonesian chocolate sprinkle here!agak mahal but banyak yang jual!pengen bikin buat nikahan ipar!thank you for the recipe!:)

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